My Last Week with Moturoa

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wow talk about time flying!  I have had the pleasure of sharing the learning experiances with Moturoa for the last month and what an action packed four weeks that has been.  Allanah must be exhuasted by the end of each term.
With all the studying, assignments, and exams that have had to be done over the last year, spending time in the classroom has reminded me of the real reason why I have choosen to train as a teacher - the children.  What a great bunch Moturoa are.  I will surely smile when I remember some of the things that we have done together, although I do not think that my attempts at playing the recorder will make me smile, laugh perhaps.
Allanah has put so much time into my training and shown so much patience, that saying "THANKS HEAPS" can not start to cover it.
Thankfully today is only Wednesday and tomorrow is Pet day, so there is still time to fit more learning into what has already been a fantastic experiance.  Although I would really love to bring my dog JJ to pet day, I think that being at school all day would not be very fair for her.  So I have posted a couple of photos to share with you instead.

This is JJ when she was just a puppy.  So cute and look how tiny she was.  Her favourite things are: food, sleeping, food, playing fetch, food, swimming, food, going for a walk and did I mention FOOD.  Her favourite person is me of course, oh and anyone that will feed her!

This is JJ now. She is just over five and a half years old.  Her coat is so soft and cuddly.  She is a very affectionate dog and loves to give you hugs.  She has an extremely annoying habbit of stealing your shoe and taking it into her kennel to sleep with.  She only takes one of each shoe, not a pair, a very strange habbit indead.